
A quick guide to finding podcast ideas for your products

 Let us guide you through the daunting and ever-changing online marketing landscape and find some good podcast ideas for your products.

In the United States alone, advertisers spent a massive $354 million on podcasts in 2021.

So I end the hunt with...

What is a podcast?

A quick guide to finding podcast ideas for your products

Podcasting is a way of storytelling as a series of audio episodes aimed at creating a better connection with the audience.

Here is a live example:

For those who don't know, McAfee is a cybersecurity company that offers products like antivirus and VPN.

It might come to mind what McAfee has earned by creating and distributing this podcast, a series of 36 episodes.

To date, Hackable has over two million downloads and over 90,000 subscribers. It served its purpose and is still bringing new leads to McAfee.

You can check out the Hackable Case Study and see how it became the biggest marketing success for McAfee.

Conclusion: Podcasts are important!

Ergo, don't be late. Learn better …

How do I start a podcast?

It's like asking how to make a movie. Well, you can spend a hundred to a few million dollars. The same applies to the time and work involved.

But in short, podcast creators follow this standard ladder:

want more! Go through this in detail how to start a podcast from thepodcasthost.com. You illustrated this in 20 long steps.

So let's get back to the heart of this article: How to find the best podcast ideas for your products.

Note your goals

Of course, a podcast can be monetized.

That being said, podcasting has a narrow audience. It's getting bigger by the day, but you're here means you're new here.

And there are a lot more people like you - new to podcasting.

I don't want to discourage you, but there are other platforms out there if money is the only goal in sight.

But podcasting can gradually develop into a steady stream of customers if you have a long-term strategy backed by a solid product portfolio.

Think like your audience

The best way to do this is to check what they are talking about. And that's what you get in real-time from social media platforms like Facebook, Quora, Reddit, etc.

For example, I searched this term, Bitcoin Podcasts on Quora:

That's a lot of Google search results rolled into one. It can give you insight into demand. Also, the comments section is free feedback for the creators to gauge the reaction and analyze the interest of the audience.

Niche below!

I said the same to my readers in my article on how to become a better YouTuber. And the idea here is identical.

Focus on a specific field. specialize. And build a loyal audience that's coming back for more.

After that, you can always spread your wings and target related content. But never go too skinny, especially if it's your first streak.

So let yourself be marked as a specialist and avoid being overrun as a generalist.

Analyze your competition

As previously mentioned, podcasts are an untapped marketing channel. And that's good news.

You can establish authority as an excellent creator.

But it would be helpful if you took note of what fraction of people is already doing this.

To get you started, it's time to take notes on:

  • Contest Podcasts.
  • Podcast-only traffic.
  • The reaction of the audience.
  • Expected investments and income.

It is not necessary to be a follower. You can also start something new and get a bigger celebration.

But knowing about your competition helps with strategic planning. And ultimately, it's your competitors you're fighting for everything.

Keyword Research

You shouldn't get out of your bed and start absorbing the first thing your brain trips over. That could be wasted.

The goal is not only to create but also to be heard. The latter is not possible without ranking in search engines.

You can do free keyword research with the Google Keyword Planner. This gives you plenty of data to start targeting specific keywords.

You can also use Ubersuggest or Ahrefs as a premium alternative to Google Keyword Planner.

Ahrefs is the tool we use here at wdzwdz, but Ubersuggest is excellent too.

Among other things, you can use Ahrefs to analyze a keyword or an entire domain and plan your content to rank higher in search engines.

While these keyword research tools are great, Buzzsumo can help you filter traffic ranking as podcasts separately.

You can further tweak the filters and get the relevant titles for a region, in a specific language, for a set period, etc.

Admittedly, this is mostly good for analyzing what has already been recorded. But social media is still a fresh source of ideas.

Discover podcast formats

There are different podcast formats:

  • Interview
  • Monologue
  • Dialog
  • Case study
  • Theatrical
  • Hybrid
  • Repurposed and more.

Each has some advantages and disadvantages. For example, the monologue format is suitable for a person with excellent expertise to speak at length. But at the same time, there may be a lack of entertainment.

The expert advice here is similar to that of the Niche Down.

Choose any format you like and stick with it. Experiment for later stages or when it becomes unavoidable.


So, should you podcast? Definitely yes!

Just start slow with current trends in mind. Create, analyze and experiment on the way to success.

And while you're on your journey to becoming a podcaster, take this podcast SEO guide with you.

But if you have a lot of articles, you can turn your articles into audio podcasts as well.

Need more inspiration? 10 tech podcasts you should listen to

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